10 Critical Things You NEED To Do Before Ziplining in Cancun
10 Critical Things You NEED To Do Before Ziplining in Cancun
10 Critical Things You NEED To Do Before Ziplining in Cancun
Yey! You´re finally coming to Cancun! And the best part is you´re going on the ultimate adventure: ziplining in Cancun! Things You NEED To Do Before Ziplining in Cancun
Could there be anything better? You finally get a break from the cold weather. Heck in Cancun, you get a break from EVERYTHING. No stress. No worries.
And when you´re feeling worry-free
You know its ADVENTURE time. I mean, why not? You are in Cancun after all.
But then you think What do I need to do before ziplining in Cancun?
Well stop worrying. We´re going to give you EVERYTHING you need to know before ziplining in Cancun.
The reason why you want to follow our advice is
here at Selvatica, we know zip lines. Not to brag but you could even say, we know zip-lines better than anyone in Cancun. We have over 20 years of experience with zip lines (more than anyone in Cancun). Thousands upon thousands of travelers have safely soared over jungle canopies on our zip-lines.
The result? We are Trip Advisor´s #1 Outdoor Activity in Cancun.
So you see
When we talk about zip line safety, we know what we´re talking about.
So rest assured. If you read this safety guide, you´re in good hands.
Ready? Great.
1. Make Sure You Have A Clean Bill Of Health
Before you even think about ziplining, make sure you´re good to go. Here are some questions you should consider:
- Have you had surgery lately?
- Nursing any lingering serious injuries, particularly in the back or neck?
- Do you have a heart condition or suffer from high blood pressure?
If the answer is yes to any of the previous questions, consult your doctor beforehand. Better safe than sorry right?
2. Go with the Right Zip line Providers
Ziplining is TOTALLY safe when done properly. This means having the right equipment, and the right team members. And don´t forget experience counts.
So before you book with anyone, do some investigating. Ask yourself:
- Does this place check-out?
- What other people saying online?
- Are there any user videos you can see that gives you an overall sense of the place?
Trust your instincts! If something feels off back out. You should immediately feel a sense of security when you arrive.
3. Know Your Weight in Pounds AND Kilos
Yup. You have to do it.
You have to step on that scale and face the truth. Just know, it´s for a good cause. =)
And one more thing.
Make sure you convert that to kilos, and memorize it. This way, you can check out the weight limits and know what your limitations are.
BONUS TIP: Don´t forget that pounds will be listed as ´lbs.
4. Come Well-Rested
You have to remember something.
Ziplining in Cancun is an extreme activity. And as such, you should treat it with respect. Get a full night´s sleep. That means NO partying the night before.
This is so important, it´s worth repeating.
If you are ziplining in Cancun, DO NOT DRINK the night before.
The last thing you want to do is go ziplining with a hangover. It´s dangerous, and well just plain ill-advised.
5. Don't Bring Sandals
There are so many places in Cancun where sandals are accepted. Even more than accepted. Almost everywhere in Cancun sandals are the preferred footwear.
NOT when you are ziplining. Unless of course you absolutely hate your sandals to the point you want to abandon them in the heart of the Mayan jungle.
If that´s the case then sure bring your sandals.
If not, bring closed toed shoes. You´ll thank us later.
Speaking of the proper attire.
6. Loose Fitting Clothes Are Your Friend
You want to wear clothes that are light and comfortable. You know? The type of clothes that stretches a bit.
Don´t forget. Zip line harnesses can feel tight (as they should). If you´re wearing the wrong clothes, it´s going to feel uncomfortable.
Pick something you´d feel comfortable, and you´re going to be fine. Just don´t forget to
7. Empty Your Pockets
You may be thinking who on Earth would commit such an atrocious mistake?
Well´A LOT of people actually. Don´t let that be you. Rent a locker. Put EVERYTHING inside. Yes. Even the smartphone.
Unless of course, you want your smartphone next to those sandals you wanted to abandon.
8. Don´t Come With A Full Stomach
This one´s simple.
Eat a very light breakfast about an hour or so before you get to the park. Some chopped fruit or even a bowl of cereal.
Something that´s easily digested. Avoid a hearty breakfast like eggs and bacon (I know it´s going to be tough, but you can do this, we have faith).
I can tell you one thing for sure: You do NOT want to be bloated while ziplining in Cancun.
9. Talk to Your Guide
One thing we´re proud of here at Selvatica is our customer service.
We break everyone into groups with Tribe leaders. These tribe leaders guide you through the process. They organize the tour in such a way, that there zero long lines to wait through (thank god, right?)
The best part? You start to build a rapport with your guide. They will learn your tendencies and adjust accordingly.
The most important part?
LISTEN. Your guide will give you instructions. Pay attention, and follow each one.
10. Smile for the Cameras
Ok. I know technically this is DURING ziplining, but we´ll include for fun´s sake. If you come to Selvatica for the ultimate jungle adventure, just know this.
There are cameras watching your zip line ride. Now you have two choices:
- Make a cowardly face of fear
- Stick your tongue out and own the moment
How you choose to eternalize the moment is entirely yours.
There you have it…there was 10 critical things you need to do before ziplining in Cancun.
BOOK at Selvatica your next fun in Cancun!