5 Insane Things to do in Cancun When it Rains in October
5 Insane Things to do in Cancun When it Rains in October

5 Insane Things to do in Cancun When it Rains

Things to do in Cancun when it rains: So you finally did it. You finally decided to come to Cancun. You saved up money. Took time off from work. Got your passport updated. Bags are packed. Hotel booked. Airport transfer shuttle paid for.
Everything is in order. But then
Rain!? On your vacation?? Could things get any worse? I mean, these sort of things only happen to you, right? You can already feel the embarrassment coming on. You know everyone will ask you how was your big trip to Cancun? Oh well, at least I tried you think to yourself At least I can stay inside a nice hotel.
Nonsense! Don’t give up!
This is CANCUN we´re talking about! The land of extreme adventure. You think a little rain is going to stop you from having fun in Cancun!? Pfft. Let me show you something that will save your Cancun vacation.
I´m not talking about having a positive attitude, and pretending the rain isn´t there. I´m not recommending that you go to the beach, and simply hold an umbrella over you. No. I´m not recommending you run from the rain. I´m saying you should run TO the rain.
Embrace it. Feel lucky.
How in the world are you going to do that? It´s easy actually. Here´s our guide to 5 Insane Things to do in Cancun When it Rains in October. Genius, right?
1. Grip it and Rip it with a Kickass Polaris ATV
When life throws us lemons, we do what? We make kickass lemonade is what we do. So there´s a little rain here and there. So what? So the ground is muddy. Who cares?
When you´re behind the wheel of an exhilarating Polaris ATV, these are all GOOD things. Why? Because Polaris ATVs eat mud for breakfast. They were specifically designed for this terrain.
Plus, did we mention Polaris makes this ATV!? We doubt you´ve ever experienced suspension this good. The acceleration? You´ll feel like a kid again. Speaking of which
The mud is your friend. This is Cancun. Let loose. Let the mud fly. Get dirty.
Think about it.
This is the Mayan Jungle. This is Selvatica. This is how we roll.
2. Soar Over the Mayan Jungle Canopy on a Thrilling Zipline
People did not evolve to fly. We don´t have wings. We´re all stuck down here. Unless
Find out what it feels to fly! There´s no rush like soaring through the air on a zipline. The view itself is worth the price of admission. This is one of the best Cancun rainy day activities.
Why? Because you´re going to love the way the rain feels as you´re zipping by. It´s the perfect antidote to the hot, steamy weather.
You see? We told you we´d find a way to embrace the rain.
3. O.M.G. Is that a Bungee Swing!?
You came to Cancun for adventure right? Well, then there´s no backing down now. You wanted to create memories of a lifetime right? Then just close your eyes and do it. No thinking. Just doing.
We´re talking about walking over the edge. We´re talking about a bungee swing. First, you climb the stairs attached to the tree. Then, they strap you to the bungee. Then it’s time.
No more waiting. No more procrastinating. No more watching the other guys jump off. Now it´s your turn. Now is your chance to conquer fear itself, and check off another item from your bucket list.
Let´s do it together. On three. One-Two-Three!!!
WOW. Talk about an adrenaline rush huh?
4. Discover the Fountain of Youth A Mayan Cenote!
There´s nothing more fun than a Mayan jungle adventure in the rain. The temperature is perfect. The activities are insanely thrilling. The mud? Well it´s everywhere.
Not to worry
You think we´re going to let you go home like that? Sweaty, muddy, and exhausted?
This is Selvatica you´re talking about. We didn´t become the number one outdoor attraction (5 years in a row!) with that mentality.
Introducing: The Mayan Fountain of Youth.
You know the reinvigorating feeling you get after you take a shower? Imagine that ON STERIODS. The crystal clear fresh water will cleanse you to the core.
The best part?
You don´t walk in our cenotes. You hang on to the zipline, and let go right in the middle!
5. Participate in the Circle of Life
Wow. What an adventure huh? We told you a little rain wasn´t going to stop you. In fact, just admit it. The rain made it even more awesome. So let´s not forget to pay our respects to the star of the show: The Mayan Jungle.
Without her, none of this is possible. But how can you help?
It´s simple. After you´re all done, place a seed in an expired helmet. Dig a small hole. Place the helmet inside the hole. Add some water. And Voila!
Soon enough, you´ll have contributed to another tree in the Mayan jungle. Pretty cool huh?
Selvatica´s Seed of Life program has shrunk our carbon footprint by over 7.8 million tons of carbon!
There it is folks. That was 5 Insane Things to do in Cancun When it Rains in October. So the next time your vacation buddy says Oh no! What are we going to do in Cancun if it rains?. Tell them to relax. Show them this article and book a trip to Selvatica. Cancun´s best outdoor adventure park.
Did we miss anything cool? Sound off below in the comments!
BOOK at Selvatica your next fun in Cancun!