Where is the Best Place for Ziplines in Playa del Carmen?
Where is the Best Place for Ziplines in Playa del Carmen?
It’s not an easy question to answer since there are so many options to choose from.
Need a shortcut to the truth?
Look at unbiased user-reviews. Here´s an example of Selvatica Adventure Park on Google My Business.
Table of Contents
User-Reviews of Zip line Providers near Playa del Carmen
Google My Business Reviews of Selvatica
185 Reviews, with a 4.8 out of 5 rating. That’s obviously very good. But what about a larger sample size to confirm? You know? Something in the thousands.
Trip Advisor Reviews of Selvatica
(Selvatica is equidistant from Cancun and Playa del Carmen. In each case, the jungle entrance is approximately 30 minutes by car.
There we go. Nearly 7,000 reviews give Selvatica a near perfect 5 out of 5 rating.
Clearly, Selvatica Adventure Park must be doing something right.
What could Selvatica be doing differently than the competition? Read further to find out.
8 Reasons Why the Best Ziplining in Playa del Carmen Happens at Selvatica
Better Zip lines
Most places in or near Playa del Carmen have one standard kind of zip line. Essentially you find yourself repeating the same experience over and over. Not exactly exciting, if you know what´s coming next right?
But Selvatica´s Zip lines? That´s a whole different story.
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5 Different Zip lines at Selvatica
You never know what’s coming next. If you try the Gimme All or Extreme Canopy package you get a blend of the following 5 different exhilarating zip lines.
Let´s take a look at each to see what s different.
a) Tarzania: The Human Roller-Coaster
Tarzania is no ordinary zip line. Think of it as a super zip line, or even a human roller-coaster!
This multi-directional zip line will always keep you guessing.
b) Downside-Up
Do you think you have what it takes to fly through the air several yards above the jungle canopy upside down?!
It’s not as easy as you may think.
But if you can muster the confidence, you get an extreme rush of adrenaline you are sure to enjoy.
c) Cenote-Splash
What’s the best way to conclude a zip line? With a refreshing splash into a blue cenote.
The fresh water will cool you off, and allow you to do flips in the air. If you choose to, of course.
d) Airborne Superman
Everyone has felt like doing this at one point in their life.
Sail through the air just like Superman did. This face-first approach is the ultimate way to enjoy a zip line.
e) Glove-Control
Prefer to slow things down and enjoy the view? Squeeze your glove just a bit.
Want to speed things up and go full speed? Just simply loosen your grip.
No matter your preference, Glove- Control gives you what you want.
Better Natural Atmosphere: The Untamed Mayan Jungle
What’s the biggest difference when you come to Selvatica versus our competition?
It’s the customer service. Here
You’re not just another customer. You’re part of the tribe.
What does this mean for you?
It means you are paired into groups (or tribes). Each tribe gets a tribe leader. They will give you the confidence you need to enjoy yourself. If you have any questions or concerns, they will answer.
They´ll even call you by your name!
Better Customer Service: The Selvatica Tribe
The best part?
Your tribe leader coordinates with other tribe leaders. What does this mean for you?
It means not everyone goes to the same activity at once (this happens frequently at other parks.) Don’t be surprised if you have to wait 30-60 minutes just to ride ONE zip line.
At Selvatica, you’ll never frustrate yourself waiting forever. In fact, everything will advance like clockwork. That means more adventure and less standing around.
Better Organization= No Long Lines
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The Most Experience in Zip lines in the Region
No other zip line operator in the region has more zip line experience than Selvatica. We have over 20 years of experience.
It’s why we are approved by the Association for Challenging Course Technology (ACCT) for safety.
It’s why when you come to Selvatica, there is an ambiance of safety & security. This allows you to relax and enjoy your outdoor adventure in Playa del Carmen.
Better Companion Activities
Sure. Selvatica has top zip lines in Playa del Carmen.
But that’s not all.
Take a look at these 4 exciting companion outdoor activities:
a. ATVs
b. Bungees
Got the guts?
Some people say they do. But then they walk up to the edge and look down.
It takes a special someone to say the heck with it, I´m jumping!. This bungee swing will reveal your true colors.
Which type of person are you?
c. Skywalks
You’ve seen it a million times on TV. A wobbly old wooden bridge in the jungle.
Now your chance to finally cross it. The Skywalk tests your fear of heights and sense of balance.
Here’s a tip. Don’t look down!
d. Cenote
What’s the perfect way to cap off an adventure in Playa del Carmen?
Diving headfirst into an invigorating & fresh cenote.
You feel refreshed. Revitalized. It’s the same feeling you get when you come out of the shower. Times a thousand.
How to get to Selvatica from Playa del Carmen
Need help getting to Selvatica? You can pay extra and receive transportation from Selvatica on an air-conditioned van.
You could drive there yourself.
Here are some Live Google Map directions below.
Google Maps Directions to Selvatica (from Playa del Carmen)
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General Driving Directions from Playa del Carmen to Selvatica
Here’s the general gist.
From Playa del Carmen, go north on the main highway towards Cancun. Once you get to Puerto Morelos (about 30 minutes later), you´ll be forced to make a U-turn.
After the U-turn, make a right on Quintana Roo Puerto Morelos Leona Vicario (about 1 minute or 2 later).
You are officially in the Mayan jungle now. Drive for about 15 minutes and you should see Selvatica on your right-hand side.
Congratulations! You made it! Now enjoy the best zip lines in Playa del Carmen!
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