How safe is it to visit Selvatica during COVID-19?
At Selvatica we are committed not only to having a fun time, but also to everyone’s safety, that is why we share our permanent actions in safety and quality standards that not only comply with the international standards of the WHO and the Ministry of Health in Mexico, but we have also are proud to share our WTTC Safe Travels badge
Free covid Tour. We take care of our team, and we take care of all of us.
We measure our staff’s temperature daily and ensure the sanitation of our uniform, guaranteeing you and your family’s health.
Protective equipment such as gloves, face shields and masks are already part of the basic uniform of all members of our tribe.
At Selvatica, all our public and high traffic areas have strengthened protocols to offer the fun you expect in the safest way. Signs are displayed on the floor that establish the necessary distance between guests at check-in, store and other transit areas.
At check-in, our wristbands, pens, and commonly used surfaces are regularly disinfected and stored in airtight containers.
We have properly marked and placed alcohol gel dispensers throughout the complex for easy access and use.
Our operations team follows strict sanitation and quality control guidelines including protective equipment such as gloves, helmets, life support among others. We also have acrylic barriers on our counters as an additional precautionary measure for our guests and their families.
At Selvatica, we have a reduced capacity in compliance with the health authorities regulations, so we invite you to schedule your visit in advance (and, incidentally, save more with our attractive online promotions).
During your visit you will see that our social distancing rules are implemented in all activities including lunch at our base camp, where each table will have a separation of at least 6 feet (2 meters) between them.
Our kitchens perform governmental, international standards and WHO recommendations for the safety of your food. All team members wash their hands periodically.
We guarantee that we will continue to monitor and implementing solutions to guarantee the well-being and safety of everyone, making Selvatica a safe space. Remember that if you take care of yourself, we all take care of ourselves.
As you can see, our priority is that your next visit to the jungle is as special and authentic as you always dreamed of, making us an ideal place to be a member of the tribe,taking care of the security that we all desire. Selvatica safe travels.