Selvatica Presents The Dirty and Wet Adventure
Selvatica Presents The Dirty and Wet Adventure

Reasons Why ‘ATVing & Swim in a Cenote
3 Reasons Why 'ATVing & Swim in a Cenote' Make for the Ultimate Adventure
Are you ready to get dirty and wet? Are you the rugged type that thrives in chaotic muddiness? If you´ve answered yes, you´re the perfect type for Selvatica´s Dirty and Wet Adventure. Selvatica is home to Cancun´s best adventure park in Latina America. There are a number of reasons why travelers from all over the world consistently rate Selvatica as the best tour in Cancun on Trip Advisor. Let´s take a look at some of the reasons why you should go ATVing and then swim in a Cenote.
License to Thrill
Life is filled with rules and regulations. Every move you make, you have to stop and think to yourself, am I allowed to do this? Before you know it, society has stuffed you in a box and you can no longer just simply be yourself. This sort of suffocating constraints can wear on you after a while. Eventually, you can only take so much. There will come a time when you´ve had enough procedural guidelines, and you simply just want to BREAK LOOSE! Guess what? Selvatica has just issued you a License to Thrill. That´s right. Here are the keys to an ATV. This is the Mayan Jungle. Now release your inner wild child and enjoy a freedom experienced by few. You´re not in your mother-in-law´s living room. You´re in the freaking Mayan Jungle! Grip and rip that handle and listen to that engine roar. Watch as mud splatters everywhere like a Jackson Pollack painting of dirt and filth.
Dude, it´s not just an ATV, it´s a Polaris!
And this is no ordinary ATV either. It´s a badass, state-of-the-art Polaris all-terrain vehicle. In case you´ve been living under a rock, Polaris is the industry leader when it comes to ATVs. They basically redefined what off-roading means. Are you a lone wolf? Prefer to do things on your own? We have a Polaris just for you. Are you two a duo? Prefer to have your wingman (or woman!) at your side? We have a Polaris just for you. Are you the alpha of a fearsome foursome? Don´t worry. We´ve got a Polaris for you.
Oooh THAT´s a Cenote?!
Many American´s don´t know what Cenote is. They look up cenote on their dictionary app and read “Sinkhole”. Not exactly the most inviting conception of a cenote. In fact in the United States, you want to do everything possible to avoid a sinkhole. Well, that´s just not the case in Cancun, Mexico. Let me paint a picture for you. You´ve just ripped through the Mayan Jungle on your top-of-the-line Polaris ATV, and now you´re covered in mud, head-to-toe. You´re wondering how you´re going to get on the shuttle back to the hotel dripping in wet dirt. Not to worry. There´s a crystalline cenote waiting for you to revitalize yourself by taking a quick dip. It´s sparkling. It´s clean. It´s safe. And wow is it refreshing. There´s no better way to cap off a dirty ride through the jungle, than with an invigorating swim in a cenote.
And that´s what we call the Dirty and Wet Adventure at Selvatica. Unshackle yourself from society´s laws and be the person you wish you could be every day. FREE!
Book your next adventure in Cancun!