The Only 100% Natural Park in Cancun: Selvatica
The Only 100% Natural Park in Cancun: Selvatica

The Caribbean is full of wonderful destinations and extremely fun parks/activities. There is a wide variety of sinkholes, ancient ruins, and nature or adventure parks. NATURE PARKS should have to do with being eco-friendly, sustainable, and other aspects related to caring for planet Earth, right? Well, over the past years this term has become very unclear and flexible, so most parks don’t actually qualify to be a REAL Nature Park. That is where Selvatica Cancun comes in, being the only 100% Natural Park in Cancun.
Guilt-Free Natural Park
Usually, when talking about guilt-free anything, the most common topics revol ve around: guilt-free snacks, guilt-free brands that support minorities and good causes, etc.
Selvatica supports charities through amazing programs like the Helping Hands program, that contributes to society by giving hope to the lives of the impoverished youth, or the Seed of Life program that we’ll mention in a bit.
However, there is another kind of guilt-free that not everyone is talking about, although they should: Guilt-Free Natural Parks. “But HOW can a natural park be guilt-free?” Here is how:
Mindless fun is not fun.
When thinking about spending your money and time on an amusement park or an adventure park, you go with a “live in the moment” mindset, right? What would you think if I told you that the fun you are having is actually going to bite you back later on? You’d probably say I’m crazy, but hang in there, I will explain it all to you.
As I said above, mindless fun is NOT FUN. And by mindless fun, I mean many things such as not caring about safety or not following instructions, to not knowing about the place you are visiting and what their values are. Know that I wasn’t born knowing this, and I don’t expect you to have been either, but in this technology era, we tend to forget how easy educating ourselves on ANY topic can be!
I know that the last thing that ever crosses your mind before visiting your vacation destination is “Oh, let me search for the company’s values or if what they claim is more than just words”. I get it. But it is soooo easy, that in just one click you can get hundreds of thousands of pages with articles like this one, that can open your eyes.
Not everything is what it seems
The term Natural Park has become blurry and unclear, many claims being authentic whilst knowing that it is not entirely true. Selvatica wants to be transparent with its clients, and we back up our words with the ONLY important thing here: actions!
For starters, when you come to visit us, the atmosphere is pretty obvious and hard to not feel drawn to. You can hear the animals and critters as you drive on our pathway through Puerto Morelos’ jungle, and you might even spot some cool exotic animals!
Selvatica Cancun has strived for excellence from day one and promised to take care of our planet Earth, trying to preserve all of its beauty. We don’t expect you to believe that the road you drive on was there when we started building, but you will see for yourself how our forest is almost 100% virgin.
We achieved the latter by carefully planning our building so that the least amount of trees are torn down, AND we have the Seed of Life Program.
The Seed of Life program has planted over 300,000 trees!
Be mindful, and choose right. The planet and its people’s wellbeing are in our hands.